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Web Design

From lead generation to e-commerce and beyond, we infuse user-friendly, functional design elements with stunning imagery. Two independent coordinates which provide their greatest satisfaction when experienced simultaneously.

Graphic Design

Design should never be an afterthought. Design concepts need a strong backbone, creative imagination and beautiful imagery to tell the full story. We blend creativity, strong design concepts with striking imagery to create a lasting impression.


Words are powerful, they have their own unique construction. In many ways, they are like a lens which brings into focus your story in the right tone and voice, expressing emotion and drive to move your customers in a way which causes them to act.


Your brand is a metaphorical story that connects with consumers in a very fundamental way, delving deeper than we imagine; offering a set of expectations, stories and relationships to guide consumers’. We construct the stories which build lasting brands.

What Our Clients Say

“We had a great experience working with the team at Steel Blue Media.  They took the time to listen to my goals and ideas for the project and came up with a great design concept.  They were professional, delivered the product on time and stayed within my budget. Diane took my vision and turned it into reality”.

Laurie P.

Diane Nelson is simply amazing. Not only is she my client, but she is my friend. I have worked with Diane, and she provides both a beautiful and smart product, excellent service and has one of the best creative business minds I know. I am more than pleased with her services and highly recommend her. You will not be sorry!”

Betty Most

Betty Most Agency

Steel Blue Media created our homeowner newsletter and we were very happy with the end product.  The content, photos, design, and layout were exactly what we were looking for. We couldn’t have asked for a better team to work with! They were professionals from start to finish”.

Two Rivers Community Landtrust

Are You Ready to Generate More Leads and Gain Brand Recognition?


Skinner’s Legacy: Designing AI Systems Today

While Skinner’s specific experiments and theories might not be directly applied to AI development, the underlying principles of behavioral psychology continue to be relevant.

Leading the HVAC Industry Into Tomorrow

“Innovative Solutions Shaping Future Comfort Experiences

Adapting to future technology in the HVAC industry is paramount for business owners, especially as we approach 2027. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • Stay Competitive: Embracing advanced HVAC technology ensures that your services remain competitive. Customers increasingly expect energy-efficient, smart, and eco-friendly solutions. Businesses that fail to meet these expectations risk losing clients to more tech-savvy competitors.
  • Enhance Efficiency: Future HVAC technologies streamline operations. From predictive maintenance to smart automation, these advancements improve efficiency, reducing downtime and increasing overall productivity. Efficient operations lead to cost savings, higher profitability, and improved customer satisfaction.

A business owner reading and contemplating using AI for his business

  • Compliance and Regulations: Future technologies often align with evolving environmental regulations and energy efficiency standards. Adapting to these changes ensures compliance with legal requirements, avoiding fines and legal complications that non-compliant businesses might face.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Modern HVAC solutions enhance user experience. Smart thermostats, air quality monitoring systems, and automated diagnostics not only provide better comfort but also demonstrate a commitment to customer well-being. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat clients and recommend your services to others.
  • Sustainable Practices: As environmental concerns grow, businesses adopting eco-friendly HVAC solutions demonstrate corporate responsibility. Sustainability not only attracts environmentally conscious customers but also contributes to a positive public image, fostering trust in your brand.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Future HVAC technologies generate vast amounts of data. Analyzing this data provides valuable insights into customer behavior, system performance, and market trends. Data-driven decisions lead to targeted marketing, personalized services, and optimized business strategies.
  • Attract Talent: Skilled professionals often prefer working for companies that embrace modern technology. Adapting to advanced HVAC systems can attract top talent, enhancing your team’s expertise and problem-solving capabilities.
  • Business Resilience: Adapting to future technology makes your business more resilient. Rapid advancements often mean that older systems become obsolete. By embracing new technologies, your business is less likely to face disruption due to outdated practices.

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Adapting to future technology in the HVAC industry is not just beneficial; it’s essential for long-term success. Businesses that invest in staying at the forefront of technological advancements position themselves as leaders, ensuring competitiveness, efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business growth.

Steel Blue Media is a creative agency utilizing the best methods and technology to help our clients.

Revolutionizing HVAC: Future Tech Innovations Ahead

Pioneering Efficiency, Sustainability, and Exceptional Comfort in the HVAC Industry

Predicting the exact state of technology in any industry several years into the future is challenging, but based on current trends,we can anticipate several advancements in the HVAC industry by 2027: Here are some key trends that illustrate the direction the HVAC industry is heading:

  • Smart HVAC Systems: Smart thermostats and HVAC systems connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) enable homeowners and building managers to control heating and cooling remotely. These systems adapt in real time based on user behavior, weather conditions, and occupancy, maximizing energy efficiency.
  • Predictive Maintenance: IoT sensors and data analytics allow HVAC systems to predict when components might fail. This proactive approach to maintenance reduces downtime, extends the lifespan of equipment, and saves on repair costs.
  • Energy-Efficient Technologies: Advanced technologies, including variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems, geothermal heat pumps, and energy recovery ventilation (ERV) systems, are becoming more mainstream. These technologies significantly reduce energy consumption, making them popular choices for both residential and commercial applications.

AI, Artificial Intelligence in the HVAC Industry

  • Green HVAC Solutions: The HVAC industry is increasingly focused on eco-friendly refrigerants and materials. Environmentally friendly refrigerants with low Global Warming Potential (GWP) are replacing traditional, harmful ones, aligning the industry with global efforts to combat climate change.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI-driven HVAC systems optimize heating and cooling based on historical data, weather forecasts, and user patterns. Machine learning algorithms continually adapt, ensuring precise temperature control and energy efficiency.
  • Integration with Renewable Energy: The systems are integrated with renewable energy sources like solar power. Hybrid systems that combine traditional HVAC technology with solar panels are gaining popularity, reducing reliance on the grid and decreasing operational costs.
  • Air Quality Enhancement: HVAC systems are incorporating advanced air purification technologies to improve indoor air quality. UV-C light, HEPA filters, and advanced ventilation systems are becoming standard features, especially in commercial buildings and healthcare facilities.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) for Maintenance: Technicians are utilizing AR tools for maintenance and repair tasks. AR glasses provide real-time guidance, enabling technicians to diagnose issues more quickly and perform repairs accurately.
  • Building Automation and Controls: Advanced Building Management Systems (BMS) with sophisticated controls and automation features are becoming essential. These systems allow centralized monitoring and control of HVAC, lighting, and other building functions, optimizing energy usage and occupant comfort.

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The future of technology in the HVAC industry is defined by intelligent, energy-efficient, and environmentally conscious solutions. These advancements not only enhance comfort and convenience for users but also contribute significantly to global sustainability goals by reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

Steel Blue Media is a creative agency utilizing the best methods and technology to help our clients.


AI Revolutionizes Digital Marketing: Smarter Strategies

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Unprecedented Marketing Success

AI is taking the technology industry by storm

AI – Artificial Intelligence, is revolutionizing the digital marketing industry in several transformative ways:

  • Data Analysis and Insights: AI algorithms process vast amounts of data, providing marketers with actionable insights. This data-driven approach enables personalized marketing strategies, improving customer engagement and ROI.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI predicts customer behavior based on historical data, allowing marketers to anticipate trends and make proactive decisions. This foresight helps in optimizing marketing campaigns and tailoring content for specific audiences.
  • Chatbots and Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots provide instant responses to customer queries. These virtual assistants enhance customer experience, addressing inquiries promptly and efficiently, leading to higher customer satisfaction rates.
  • Content Creation and Curation: AI tools generate high-quality content, from articles to product descriptions. Additionally, AI curates content based on user preferences, ensuring personalized and relevant experiences for website visitors and social media followers.
  • Email Marketing Optimization: AI optimizes email campaigns by analyzing subscriber behavior. It tailors content, send times, and subject lines, enhancing open rates and conversions. AI also helps in identifying potential leads for personalized follow-ups.
  • Social Media Management: AI analyzes social media interactions, gauging sentiment and trends. Marketers leverage this data to create targeted social media campaigns and engage with the audience effectively.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): AI algorithms, including Google’s RankBrain, refine search results based on user intent. Marketers use AI-driven SEO tools to enhance website visibility, ensuring that content aligns with user queries.
  • Programmatic Advertising: AI automates ad buying, targeting, and placement in real time. This optimization ensures that ads reach the right audience at the right time, maximizing ROI and minimizing ad spend wastage.
  • Personalization: AI analyzes customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history to deliver personalized experiences. From product recommendations to website interfaces, personalization enhances user engagement and boosts conversion rates.
  • Fraud Detection: AI algorithms detect fraudulent activities, protecting businesses from online threats such as click fraud, and ensuring that digital marketing budgets are spent efficiently.

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In essence, AI is transforming digital marketing by enhancing efficiency, optimizing strategies, improving customer experiences, and enabling marketers to make data-driven decisions. As AI technology continues to advance, its impact on the digital marketing landscape is expected to grow exponentially, shaping the industry’s future.

Steel Blue Media is a creative, marketing and content generating company

5 Tested Marketing Myths to Leave Behind This Year

Like all avenues of the tech industry, SEO is ever-evolving to become more complex, intuitive, and influential for businesses and their consumers.

Whether your business is a large-scale enterprise powerhouse, or an independent operation run by a talented team of one, investing in SEO is essential to reaching your target audiences and scaling your

With the constant changes in SEO, it is indeed challenging to develop and maintain an effective SEO strategy that best suits your business. The upkeep can be demanding and there always seems to be a new problem to solve like: What’s happening with Google’s latest update now? How will that influence my SEO strategy? Is it time for my business to start investing in voice search? How do I determine which content should or shouldn’t include video?

The questions are endless, but that’s not a bad thing. If you’re regularly asking yourself questions like the aforementioned, you’re already winning. This simply means that you’re invested and on the right track to creating the best SEO strategy for your business. As you continue asking yourself questions and researching solutions, this guide is going to help point out all of the most common myths and assumptions about how SEO works and debunk them for you. Your time is valuable and should be spent where it is most effective so you’re not wasting a single moment on things that simply don’t matter for SEO.

Search Engine Optimization, social media

Myth #1  

“I must submit my site to Google.”

The idea that you need to submit your website to Google in order to appear in search results (or rank) is nonsense. Google finds content on its own by leveraging bots – as known as “web crawlers” – that are constantly searching the web for content to index. However, if you’re making changes to existing website pages or creating new ones, you can submit an updated sitemap of your website to Google to help its crawlers find your content faster.

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Myth #2

“More links are better than more content.”

In the past, building as many links as possible without analyzing the linking domain was how SEO typically worked. By doing this, your website was sure to rank higher. Today, building links is still a very important part of ranking factors. That’s because a link to another website is more than just a link — it’s a vote of confidence a recommendation, a way for publishers to say to their readers: “Here’s a source I trust. Go check it out yourself.”

That being said, it’s important to focus on the quality of links you are obtaining, rather than just the quantity. Sometimes less can be more if you know how exactly to build links the proper way. You can learn more about how to earn backlinks (the right way) here. If you’re deciding between investment in link building vs. content creation, remember: one of the number one ways to generate quality backlinks is to start by creating quality content.

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Myth #3

Keywords matter more than anything.”

Amplified by the rise of mobile and voice search, search queries have become more and more conversational. And Google’s updates over the past 2-3 years have focused on understanding these types of queries better through natural language processing, most notably with the rollout of Hummingbird in 2013. The introduction of this new search algorithm, which began analyzing phrases instead relying on keywords alone, marked a major switch for the search giant from keyword to topic-focused SEO.

The takeaway here for marketers? The traditional view of “keywords” in search has changed. Where a few years ago there were maybe 10-20 “big keywords” that would be sought after for ranking within a topic, there are now hundreds or thousands of long-tail variations that are regularly searched within a topic and change based on location. Simply dominating a few words is no longer enough to produce successful results.
Instead of obsessing over keywords, we recommend marketers explore a topic cluster strategy. This approach to content creation is centered around the reader, helping them discover
the content they are searching for, regardless of the exact keywords they use.

5 Marketing Myths, Google Analytics, search engine optimization

Myth #4

“Having a secure site (HTTPS) isn’t important for SEO.”

Have you ever noticed that some URLs start with “http://” while others start with “https://”? Perhaps you noticed that extra “s” when you were browsing websites that require giving over sensitive information, like when you were paying bills online. To put it simply, the extra “s” means your connection to that website is encrypted so hackers can’t intercept any of your data. The technology that powers that little “s” is called SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer.

In August 2014, Google announced that it had started using HTTPS as a signal in its ranking algorithms. At the time, this meant that if your website still relied on standard HTTP, your rankings could suffer as a result. Then, in October 2017, Google released a new version of their popular Chrome browser, version 62. At this time, it warned users that if their page contained a form but did not have SSL enabled, visitors would see a “not secure” label alongside the URL. This label began to roll out in July 2018. From an SEO perspective, Google has publicly stated that two websites which are otherwise equal in search results, if one has SSL enabled it may receive a slight rank boost to outweigh the other. Not to mention, up to 85% of people stated that they will not continue browsing if a site is not secure, according to a recent survey from HubSpot Research. As a result, there is a clear SEO benefit to enabling SSL on your website, and across all your content.

Myth #5

“You shouldn’t link out to other websites.”

Provide value. When you’re creating content for the web, this should be the motivation behind it. And if that means linking out to a website other than your own to provide additional information, there’s nothing to be worried about. “If you’re linking out naturally from your website to other sites that offer additional value and more context, then that’s fine And there’s nothing special that you need to do,”
explains Google Webmaster John Mueller. There are a few exceptions, though. If you link out to a website in exchange for a link back, link to an advertisement, or link out in your comments, that link is typically not as contextual or valuable as one that occurs naturally. In these situations, Mueller encourages the use of the rel=”nofollow”link attribute.

Watch for more marketing myths on our Steel Blue Media blog, The Mix

Article courtesy of Hubspot

National Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day

National Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day, celebrated annually on March 1, is a holiday that is dedicated to jazz, fine, visual, performing, and auditory arts in all its glory.

The day is specifically held on the first day of National Women’s History Month because it honors all existing and previous African-American female artists only. This day was established by the Georgia organization, Black Women In Jazz.


When we think jazz, we think American musical innovation. We think of the dance-oriented music of the 1920s to modern avant-garde jazz music. From the inception of jazz music in the early 20th century, black women have played important roles in this genre.

The earliest female figures were often pianists because playing the piano was deemed ‘appropriate’ for women. Plus, many of these women performed in churches. In fact, in the South, jazz music first appeared in gospel-influenced African-Americans, and this probably led to many black women taking on roles as pianists.

Carol Comer, Black Women In Jazz and Arts Day, Steel Blue Media

Trombonist and arranger Melba Liston is one of the women featured in a new documentary about female instrumentalists in jazz, The Girls in the Band.

Sexism in the U.S. music industry took many female performers to Europe and Asia, making jazz a global phenomenon. By the 1920s, women had been experimenting with a range of activities. Now, they became vocalists and instrumentalists. Not famous, not yet, but experimentation was beginning to take hold.

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As World War II came around, so too did opportunities for all-female jazz bands to thrive. The men were fighting in the military, and women now took their place. While such bands were not uncommon, their popularity hit a major stride in this era. The most popular band of that time was the International Sweethearts of Rhythm.

They were initially marshaled to play in local dances and parties to secure funds for a school. They took off, and soon, other all-women black jazz bands followed in their footsteps. It was not all hunky-dory. The media, press, and society still saw jazz as a male-dominated sector, and women were encouraged to drop this lifestyle.

Women’s suffrage and the emergence of multiple famous black jazz musicians slowly turned the tide. The genre itself underwent many transformations, transitioning into today’s styles.

Female jazz artists added their musical concepts, new vocal styles and challenged stereotypes across the board. They became inspirations for future generations of women striving to succeed in a gender-disparate world.

Many young white fans and musicians discovered the richness and beauty of jazz and black culture through jazz music, especially during the first half of the 20th century.

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From lead generation to eCommerce and beyond, we infuse user-friendly, functional design elements with stunning imagery.

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